Pop quiz!


What is div here?


What is /div here?


What is div here then?


What is img here?

<img />

And what is img here?


What is p here?

<div class="whatever">...</div>

What is class here?

<div data-whatever="whatever">...</div>

What is data-whatever here?

<div whatever="whatever">...</div>

And what is whatever here?


What is magic-gizmo here?


And what is magic-gizmo here?

<magic-gizmo style="...">...</magic-gizmo>

What is style here?

<magic-gizmo data-whatever="whatever">...</magic-gizmo>

What is the data-whatever here?

<magic-gizmo whatever="whatever">...</magic-gizmo>

What is the whatever here?

<magic-gizmo />

What is magic-gizmo when written like that?